Blog Post #3

The values of free expression that resonated the most with me were the values of individual self-fulfillment and the idea of participation in self-government.  These values also feel like the most important and relevant today. 

These two values are very prominent in our society right now, especially with the 2024 election coming up. We have seen a lot of candidates resort to social media to promote their campaigns. If people were restricted in their ability to make decisions about elections, our society and government would essentially fall apart. Additionally, citizen participation in government improves voter confidence. People feel as if their government values them. Participation in government is for your own self-interest in my opinion. 

Within the last year or so, our society has also pushed for the use of pronouns and self-identity. Being able to express yourself and be who you want to be is important. Especially in government, being able to form your own beliefs and being able to express them is essential to promoting change. Being able to express yourself and make your own decisions is important with the concept of autonomy. Not only is autonomy important in law and our government, but it is also important in psychology and individuals' mental health. According to Kendra Cherry, "Autonomy involves making independent decisions that align with personal values and goals instead of being coerced by external forces. In psychology, autonomy is viewed as a fundamental human need. It is essential to individual well-being, motivation, and psychological health". Being able to make your own choices based off of your personal beliefs is a very important aspect of our lives and freedom of expression. People who feel restricted due to external factors such as stereotypes, governmental control, etc. often times will struggle to find "who they are" or where they belong in society. 

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression sort of go hand in hand. People commonly use their voices to express themselves. In the picture below, the individual is seen holding a sign of their personal belief and voicing it by holding it up among others. For our country and government to maintain the type of society and government we have, we have to make it a priority for people to feel valued and understood. Expression is more than just the expression of who you are, it is also used to express concerns you have. 

Although all of the eight values of expression are essential in our society and government policies, the ones I talked about throughout this blog post seem the most relevant and important to me as of now. With the push for self-identity and the presidential election coming up, these seem to be the most relevant in my eyes. As a citizen myself, I often times take my freedoms for granted. We don't think about the rights we have here compared to those of other countries. Although we aren't perfect by any means, we should be grateful to be able to express ourselves and "communicate" with people of higher authority. I personally believe that all eight of these values are essential and important. Under certain conditions, some values may seem more important than others but, at the end of the day, they are all connected.
