Blog post #6

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Media coverage has turned from being an information source, towards more of a capitalist media system. I would consider the “news” we hear on the media more like “infotainment”. While information is being portrayed, it is also portrayed as entertainment to get the most views, and money from viewers. Different corporations profit off war and coverage. Those who are promoting weapon manufacturing on the media are an example of a corporation that would want to silence antiwar voices. As far as why I think we don’t see antiwar movements and voices heard on media coverage is that our media is very crisis-oriented. Promoting peace and antiwar movements would most likely lead to a lack of viewers. Another factor that can contribute to the lack of antiwar voices being heard is the influence from the government. The government has a tremendous influence on what media is being covered. Promoting antiwar voices can go against their policy objectives and public support for engaging in conflict. I think that we must seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices as many people don’t believe in their movements. Some people may think that criticizing our military and governmental decisions is unpatriotic. Many believe that supporting the country we live in is essential for what our country stands for, patriotism. These obscure websites are really the strongest way these opinions can be heard. The common news sources, such as CNN will silence antiwar voices over favorable viewership. FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, states that many mainstream news sources have failed to present both sides of opinions when it comes to war and conflict. (Zhang et al., 2014) Overall, government influence, corporate interests, and capitalism are driving factors as to why we may not hear strong antiwar voices on mainstream media. 

Zhang, S., Chatterjee, N., Johnson, J., Walker, C., McNeill, Z., Ludwig, M., & Goodman, A. (2014, November 17). Why the mainstream media is Gung-ho on war and silencing antiwar voices. Truthout. 
